Calvaire 是一部法語片,影片播放時會讓人只不住地想:怎麼這麼枯燥,被預告給騙了,但又無法控制對結局的渴望而只能繼續看下去。事實上,這部片子給人的啟發還滿大的!怎麼說呢?

電影的開頭描述一個到處演唱且受歡迎的歌手(男生Marc Stevens),在演唱會結束後驅車前往下一個演唱場地時,因為濃霧與車子熄火而困在人煙稀少的樹林中。在看清樹上的旅館告示牌後,遇見一陌生男子(Boris)向他詢問是否有看到他的狗狗,Marc藉此求助他能帶領前往旅館。然而他之後的遭遇卻是一般人想不道的詭異:1旅館老闆(Bartel)騙他能與修車廠聯絡,藉由幫他維護休旅車偷竊私人物品;2年輕男子(Boris)找的狗狗根本不存在,到後頭還以小牛犢代替;3旅館老闆告誡歌手(Marc)不要進入的鄰近村莊,但Marc散步時卻發現一間屋子內有一群男子在對一頭乳牛性侵(但這是看完電影後才能了解的部分);4旅館老闆把Marc當成他打扮成他老婆Gloria,幫他穿上裙子,並對其性侵害,之後鄰近村莊的居民發現Marc時,非但不救他,亦對其性侵...看到最後會了解,那個村子裡的人全是"神經病";5Marc逃亡幾次後,所面臨的酷刑使他幾近崩潰;6結尾時,你會回想起之前演唱的地方全是女人,但其後他所到之處則全為男人。





3男主角真的很傻,他可以告訴那些人哪裡都是女人啊? 那些女的饑渴到那麼老了還那麼色。這樣還可以免除一切災難。



Full Synopsis:

A traveling entertainer falls prey to a disturbed recluse in director Fabrice de Welz's twisted, slow burn riff on Deliverance and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Having finished his latest performance at a remote retirement home, wandering singer Marc Stevens (Laurent Lucas) packs his gear into his van and sets out towards his next gig. Unfortunately for Marc, the fog shrouded roads of rural France are more treacherous than he ever anticipated. When his van breaks down in the middle of the night and a skittish local promises to lead him to a nearby inn owned by the eccentric recluse Paul Bartel (Jackie Berroyer), it appears that luck may be on Marc's side and he will be back on the road with the light of the morning sun. This isn't your average bed and breakfast though, and Bartel certainly isn't the kindly innkeeper he initially appears to be. When Marc's van is set aflame and his increasingly menacing host makes a most disturbing claim, the soft-spoken singer will be forced to fight for his life against not only Bartel, but an entire village of deeply disturbed woodsmen. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide

Running Time:  88 mins

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